Strother, Judith

Judith Strother
Emeritus Faculty | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts: School of Arts and Communication
Personal Overview
Dr. Judith Strother, Professor, directs the Master’s Degree Program in Global Strategic Communication at Florida Tech. While she specializes in intercultural communication issues, corporate communication, and linguistics, she teaches a variety of graduate and undergraduate courses in communication. She also teaches specialized seminars in technical writing at the Technical University of Eindhoven in The Netherlands as a Visiting Professor.
Dr. Strother is heavily involved in campus activities. She sits on the Graduate Council, the Research Council, the University Promotions Committee, the College of Psychology and Liberal Arts Promotions Committee, and other committees. She is Founder and Director of the Center for Communication Excellence. She has been Faculty Advisor for the Florida Public Relations Association Student Chapter and Academic Advisor for Phi Sigma Sigma. She chairs and organizes partnership activities between Florida Tech and University Park Elementary School.
She is active in professional organizations, including the International Communication Association, IEEE Professional Communication Association, and IASTED (International Association for Science and Technology for Educational Development, and serves as a reviewer for several professional journals and international conferences. Dr. Strother has authored over 60 publications including five books and numerous book chapters. She also regularly presents at national and international conferences.
Dr. Strother is a co-founder and Director of Content Development and Training for Aviation English Training, Inc., which delivers online aviation English training to international pilots.
Her community service includes working with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Operation Hope and giving presentations to civic and service organizations.