Time Tracking - Correct Hours


If you made a mistake or need to make changes to a submitted or approved timesheet, you may do so

Correct Hours Worked

1. Select the Time application on your homepageTime Logo

2. Select either This Week or Last Week from the Enter Time column

3. Click Actions (top-right, near Summary) then select Enter Time

    a. Change the Time Type or change the Hours, as needed

    b. To add absence hours on the same day as hours worked, click the add  button and select an Time Type

    c. To delete an entry, click the minus  button

    d. Click OK when done

4. When you are finished correcting hours, click Review

5. Review your time entries, then click Submit

6. Your edited timesheet will route to your supervisor to review and approve

Approval Business Process

1. The manager will receive an inbox action item to review and approve the employee’s timesheet

     a. If corrections need to be made, the manager can send the timesheet back to the employee