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Leave of Absence

Applies to:Original Policy Date:Date of Last Review:Approved by:
Full-time and part-time faculty and staff January 1, 2017

June 2, 2022

August 2024

John Nicklow

Policy Owner: Office of Human Resources

Policy Purpose

This policy outlines the guidelines to provide leave without pay, when necessary and appropriate.

Policy Scope

This policy applies to faculty and staff classified as “regular” full-time or “regular” part-time who have completed at least one year of continuous service before the effective date of the requested leave of absence.

Policy Statement

Employees may be granted a leave of absence to maintain continuity of service in instances where unusual or unavoidable circumstances may require their absence. In no instances are leaves of absence granted automatically. Leaves must be requested in writing by the employee and approved by their department head/VP or Dean and the Vice President of Human Resources in advance of the leave being taken. A leave of absence may be requested for a period of up to 30 days.

If the employee is taking a leave of absence for medical reasons, all accrued sick, vacation and personal leave must be used before the unpaid leave begins. An employee who is taking a leave of absence for any situation other than medical reasons must use all accrued vacation and personal leave prior to being eligible for unpaid leave.

A leave of absence is different than leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). If an employee is eligible for FMLA, they will be required to exhaust all applicable leave under FMLA before a leave of absence under this policy will be considered.

An employee on leave of absence will not accrue vacation or sick leave and is not entitled to holiday pay.

The university does not guarantee reinstatement to the former position or to a position with like status or pay when the employee returns from a leave of absence.

Effective 9/1/2024, 9-month faculty members who defer their pay will have their deferral paid out at the start of their leave and will be paid based on the 9-month schedule for the balance of the Academic Year.


The employee must submit a written request for a leave of absence to their supervisor for approval by the department head. The request will then be routed to the appropriate department head/VP or Dean and the Vice President of Human Resources for final approval.

If an employee is enrolled in benefits, such as health or dental insurance, the benefits will continue and the employee will be required to continue paying their portion of the benefit costs. The employee should contact the Office of Human Resources prior to going on leave to coordinate payment.


Employees are responsible to submit requests for unpaid leave of absence in writing to their supervisor.

Supervisors are responsible for communicating the outcome of the request with the employee.

During leaves of absence, employees are responsible for paying their portion of any benefit costs incurred during the leave. The Office of Human Resources is responsible for coordinating this payment with the employee.


Employees who do not adhere to this policy may be denied unpaid leave.